Sunday, April 29, 2012

glued up the inside plywood on the hatch.
Rolling on the water based contact cement, so far it's working great but I guess only time will tell
All glued up and ready to be stuck together, this stuff works great and has no fumes.
A little trial fit of some of the trim and the excess aluminum trimmed off of the bottom.
more veneer adhered.
Lower Masonite glued and stapled on.
Above the footwell cabinet frame built and ready to install
Head area cabinet frames test fitting

My helper doing a great job of being cute, hitting things with his hammer and getting tools for me.

Nailed and glued in.  I brushed the interior with a coat of semigloss clear. It really brings out the wood grain and look incredible in my opinion

Another view of the clear coat. as you can see I worked until after dark. It's so much fun seeing thing come together

Feelin pretty good about the amount of work I accomplished this weekend.

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